In my 12+ years of teaching elementary music and working with young kids, I'm always asked by parents if their kids are good at singing or if they have a high level of singing talent. It's...
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Breathy or airy singing voices are one of those things I see all of the time as a music teacher. From kids to adults to pop music, breathy singing is everywhere. While using it on...
I've been playing tuba for a long time (20 years), and I hear kids ask me all the time if the tuba is hard to play. I'm always advocating for my favorite instrument, so I love to answer this...
As a music teacher and someone with singing and vocal training, I often take it for granted when I use words like head voice, chest voice, and falsetto. Of the two, I'm often asked about the...
One of the main differences between singing and talking is how you hold notes longer and lengthen the pitch. But for a lot of folks, it's unnatural. This is especially true with extremely...
As a music teacher and musician for well over a decade (*cough, cough* or two...), I hear people bashing on their own singing voices all the time. Whenever I get the chance to listen to...