Are you looking to record your upright piano playing? Do you struggle to get the right sound from your upright piano? Most people assume there’s one best way to mic an upright piano or any...
Category: Piano
Have you heard of piano fingers but you’re not sure what they are? Do you want to learn a little more about the piano fingerings? Piano fingers and piano fingerings are loose...
Are you a beginner struggling with piano playing? Do you wonder, “How do you separate piano hands?” Don’t feel bad at all! Honestly, this is the most difficult part of...
When we talk about instruments, I’m always asked about where the piano belongs. It’s kind of a tricky question and one hotly debated by musicians of all levels. I did some...
Are you thinking about starting to learn piano, but you’re wondering if the boat has sailed? Do you have a child interested in learning piano, but you’re unsure if they’re the right...
What does the middle pedal on piano do? It’s a question I’m asked almost constantly when speaking about pianos. Even those with good piano skill don’t have more than a cursory...