Are you looking for more explanation on the solfege to letter equivalents? Do you want easy reference tables to help you out? One of the best parts of solfege is how it helps you learn to...
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Are you looking for some help with lesson planning? Do you want some practical lessons to use right away AND some discussion on the art of planning a lesson? When I mentor student...
Are you interested in learning more about recorder karate? Do you want to see what the big deal is? The recorder karate program has been around for a while after it took the music world...
A Guide For Music In Elementary School: How To Teach General Music
Have you been switched over to elementary music? Are you looking for help with teaching general music? Most people go through college and become a music teacher because they want to teach band,...
Are you a new music teacher feeling overwhelmed? Would you like some refresher tips to help you get a better handle on teaching music? You’re not alone. Even as an experienced...
Teaching Treble Clef Note Names: How To Build Lasting Knowledge
Are you looking for ways to teach treble clef notes? Do you feel like your teaching practices in this could use some new ideas? Too many non-music teachers emphasize this concept as one of the...