I love using chants in my music classroom. It helps the students get into the groove of making music (pun intended) without the self-conscious process of singing. One of my absolute...
Category: General Music
Are you looking for extra resources to extend your students’ musical learning online? Whether you have access to 1:1 technology in your classroom, there are many uses out there for online...
As a society, we've fallen out of the habit of buying our teachers' gifts. And I know both as a teacher, parent, and husband to a teacher, how hard teachers work! If you care about...
Partner songs are a great way to get students to sing harmony without having to teach individual parts. It's one of the earliest steps in teaching harmony to any group (earlier steps being...
In the elementary music classroom, we tend to call all barred instruments either Orff instruments or xylophones. But this isn't strictly true. There are three main variations we...
One of the most important (if not THE most important) things you do to set up success for your school year in the music class is establishing rules and procedures. These must be set up and...